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How Much of the Beef Sold in the Us Comes From Cafos

Feeding 326 One thousand thousand Americans

The meat and poultry industry is the largest segment of U.South. agriculture. U.S. meat product totaled 52 billion pounds in 2017 and U.S. poultry production totaled 48 billion pounds in 2017.

In 2017, the meat and poultry industry processed:
ix billion chickens
32.ii 1000000 cattle and calves meg turkeys
2.2 million sheep and lambs
121 million hogs

In 2017, American meat companies produced:
26.3 billion pounds of beef
25.half-dozen billion pounds of pork
5.ix billion pounds of turkey
lxxx.two million pounds of veal
150.2 million pounds lamb and mutton
42.ii billion pounds of chicken

Meridian Livestock and Poultry Slaughtering States
Cattle - Nebraska, Kansas, Texas, Colorado, California, Wisconsin, Washington, Pennsylvania
Hog - Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania
Chicken - Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama
Turkey - Minnesota, North Carolina, Arkansas

In Fiscal Year 2018, in that location were 835 federally inspected, livestock slaughter plants in the U.South. An additional 3,773 plants process red meat, but do not slaughter. There were ii,979 federally inspected poultry slaughter and processing plants in the U.Southward.

Feeding U.s.a. Essential Nutrients

The 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, recommend eating 5.7 ounces of meat per twenty-four hours as part of a healthy, counterbalanced diet.

There are at least:

  • 29 cuts of beefiness
  • six cuts of pork
  • And numerous poultry cuts that are leaner and have less calories than a 3 oz. serving of salmon

A 3-oz. serving of lean meat provides almost 160-200 calories plus significant amounts of many central nutrients such as poly peptide. These proteins comprise all 9 essential amino acids needed for growth and practiced overall health, making meat a "consummate" protein.

Meat is also a great source for iron, magnesium, zinc, niacin, selenium, riboflavin and B-vitamins that help your body turn food into energy.

New studies testify meat tin can aid in weight loss by providing a sense of satisfaction that helps to command appetite and metabolize nutrient more efficiently.

Feeding our Economy

In 2017, employees working in meat packing and processing plants on average earned $fourteen.98 per hour plus benefits, while employees in poultry processing plants earned $13.58 per hour, plus benefits.

Co-ordinate to a 2016 analysis by John Dunham & Associates, the U.Due south. meat and poultry industry accounts for $1.02 trillion in total economic output or v.6 percent of gdp (Gross domestic product)

The meat and poultry industry broadly is responsible for 5.4 meg jobs and $257 billion in wages, the report found. An estimated 527,019 people take jobs in production and packing, importing operations, sales, packaging and direct distribution of meat and poultry products.

Feeding the Globe

Check: The U.S. 1.26 one thousand thousand metric tons (MT*) of beef and beefiness diverseness meat in 2017. Consign value of beefiness and beef diversity meat exports reached a record $vii.27 billion in 2017.

On a volume and value basis, the top iv markets for U.Southward. beefiness in 2017 were Japan, Republic of korea, United mexican states and Hong Kong.

The U.Southward. exported two.45 million MT of pork and pork variety meat in 2017, breaking the 2016 record by half-dozen pct. Almanac full pork shipments were valued at $6.49 billion, upward 9% from 2016.

The top markets for U.S. pork in terms of volume and value in 2017 were Mexico, Nihon and Republic of korea.

The U.S. exported 1000000 MT of poultry and poultry variety meats in 2017. The value was estimated at $iv.v billion.

Exports in 2017 deemed for 26.6 percent of U.Southward. pork production and 12.9 percent of beef production.

*ane lbs

Fast Facts

Average Meat Consumption in the U.South.

American men on average eat iv.8 ounces of meat per twenty-four hours and women eat iii.13 ounces of meat per day. (Source: What Nosotros Eat in America, NHANES 2015-2016).

Americans spend less than any other adult nation in the world on food broadly and on meat and poultry specifically.

Percent of Dispensable Income Spent on Food at Home


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